Govt announces two-day holiday for Ashura

Updated 03 Aug, 2022

The federal government approved on Wednesday two holidays on account of Ashura (Muharram 9 and 10), a notification from the Cabinet Division said.

The holidays will be observed on Monday and Tuesday (August 8 and 9) as Pakistanis and Muslims across the world will observe the religious occasion with grief and sorrow.

The holy month of Muharram-ul-Haram marks the beginning of the new Islamic year, 1444 AH.

Anticipating large gatherings, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) has restricted the elderly and children from attending the gatherings and majalis during Ashura — in a bid to keep them safe from COVID.

Muharram moon not sighted, Ashura on August 9

The Muharram SOPs are as follows:

  • COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures i.e. mask-wearing, social distancing and use of sanitizers/hand washing should be adhered to.

  • Organisers should make arrangements for all SOPs

  • Zakirs and participants should be vaccinated against COVID-19

  • Venue for the conduct of Majalis should be open and spacious with proper ventilation arrangements

  • Wearing masks and maintenance of social distancing is mandatory during majalis and Processions.

  • Availability of masks and sanitisers/hand washing

  • Controlled participation according to the capacity of venues and avoidance of overcrowding

  • Duration of majalis and processions should be curtailed.

  • Majalis where SOPs cannot be effectively implemented such as homes and private gatherings should be discouraged.

  • Elderly above 65 years, children and co-morbid may be sensitized to attend Majalis at home through live streaming.

  • Proper arrangements for cleaning venues with chlorine before and after the events

  • Display of COVID-19 SOPs and precautions at prominent places.

  • SOPs compliance by employing volunteer scouts.

Miscellaneous Aspects

  • Arrangements for food and drinks in a spacious and ventilated place.

  • Emphasis on use of disposable utensils; preference on pre-packaged boxes for distribution of food.

  • Avoiding overcrowding at food distribution points/locations.

  • No handshake and embracing.

Areas of Focus

  • Some of the aspects meriting necessary actions at the federal and federating units level include the following:

  • Messaging by religious clerics for uniform implementation of SOPs /guidelines proposed by NCOC.

  • Strict enforcement of SOPs by the civil administration.

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