‘South Punjab’: Qureshi says leaderships of PML-N, PPP urged to hold deliberations

30 Jan, 2022

MULTAN: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Saturday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was making further progress on establishment of South Punjab province as its formation was part of party’s manifesto.

“On the instructions of Prime Minister and Party Chairman Imran Khan, I wrote a letter to the leadership of both parties, PML N, and PPP, inviting them to come, sit and discuss the formation of the province,” said FM Qureshi.

He added “so far, no response has been received from either party. I am making further progress for the establishment of South Punjab Province soon,” hinted Qureshi in a statement issued by Bab ul Quraish, local media cell of Qureshi family.

Both the parties, PML-N and PPP, did not take any step for the people of South Punjab during their respective regimes, Qureshi mentioned.

“If PML-N wanted, it could have done a lot for South Punjab during its tenure. The PML-N could not even form a secretariat in the province during its tenure,” Qureshi maintained.

“We have laid the foundation of South Punjab province by establishment of South Punjab Secretariat, which no one can roll back,” the FM claimed.

The Foreign Minister remarked that “with the establishment of South Punjab Secretariat, a new era of development has commenced. The secretaries of various departments are performing duties here to solve problems of people and similarly, the journey of development is in full swing.”

About Opposition, he remarked that it was unable to digest the development of country. He categorically stated “Today, I would like to make it clear once again that the people have given Prime Minister Imran Khan the mandate of the government for five years and the government would not only complete the ongoing term but it will also form next government.”

“Despite the severe complications triggered from coronavirus pandemic, the results of our government’s economic policies have started yielding results,” the FM stated.

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