Lockdown will be lifted on 16th across Punjab: Buzdar

Updated 10 May, 2021

LAHORE: Brushing aside the apprehension of extension in the lockdown after Eid holidays, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar made it clear on Sunday that the lockdown will be lifted on May 16 and normalcy would return.

“Corona situation is being monitored on daily basis as safeguarding the lives of the people is the top priority of the government,” Buzdar said, adding that the citizens will have to be extra careful during Eid holidays.

He said the spread of coronavirus can only be stopped by following the government’s guidelines, and wearing a mask is mandatory for every citizen whenever going out. In a statement, the CM warned that an irresponsible attitude will further intensify the situation. He urged the citizens to remain in their homes during the Eid holidays.

He said the Punjab government has taken effective measures for providing medical facilities to the corona affectees. The numbers of ventilators and oxygen beds have been increased in the hospitals, he said, and lauded the services of health workers for the treatment of the corona patients.

Meanwhile, the chief minister in another statement claimed that it is a credit of the PTI government that during the two-and-a-half-year not a single corruption scandal has surfaced against the government.

He alleged that billions of rupees were looted in the previous tenures and the former rulers made records of corruption by taking kickbacks and commissions in different projects. He claimed that in the previous regimes, every new day revealed a new scandal of corruption. “The PDM gang is soaked with corruption. The nation has not yet forgotten the stories of looting and plundering of former rulers,” he said, adding that the PTI government has tightened the noose of corrupt elements.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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