Psy says fame 'unbelievable'

14 Oct, 2012


The 34-year-old, whose real name is Park Jae-Sang, rocketed to international fame when his song "Gangnam Style" and its much-imitated dance moves went viral on YouTube, notching up more than 450 million views -- and still rising fast.


Asked by AFP how he felt to have topped the music charts across the world, he said: "Well, this is unbelievable. I was not ready for this, so..."


Dressed in a white shirt with an orange bow tie hanging undone around his neck, he then gave a lesson on how to do the dance to Red Bull drivers Mark Webber, who was on pole position for Sunday's race, and reigning world champion Sebastian Vettel


"So one, two, three, four, then you..." he explained, moving his arms as if holding the reins of a horse. The trio then did the move briefly together, as dozens of photographers and fans swarmed around, clapping and cheering.


"Where are the sexy ladies?" Vettel asked Psy, a nod to the video of the song.


"No sexy ladies here, unfortunately," the Korean superstar replied with a laugh, before he was whisked away by his phalanx of plain-clothes security.


"This is a very solid dance," added Psy, who is an ambassador for the race in Yeongam and was scheduled to wave the chequered flag at the end of the grand prix.


Copyright AFP (Agence France-Presse), 2012

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