Chris Brown wants Rihanna not to rehash the assault

KARACHI: Rapper Chris Brown wants Rihanna to stop talking about his assault on her three years ago. In 2009, Brown pl
17 Aug, 2012

In 2009, Brown pleaded guilty to felony assault of singer and then-girlfriend Rihanna.

He was sentenced to five years probation and six months of community service.

The case received extensive media attention and negatively affected his career.

Brown thinks that Rihanna repeatedly bringing the issue is not helpful.

”Chris is just confused about Rihanna’s decision to bring up the past again and again - this time in an interview with Oprah,” a source near the rapper told the media.

“Apparently he thinks that they need to stop addressing the rough patch in their relationship in order to progress with their friendship and careers,” source added.

”Chris doesn’t begrudge Rihanna at all for talking about it but he thinks that in order for them to both move forward and not be defined by that one night, it would be better to stop bringing it up,” source added.

Rihanna has admitted in her upcoming interview on ‘Oprah's Next Chapter’ that she felt “protective” over Brown and was more concerned with his well-being than her own after the incident.

”It was embarrassing, it was humiliating. I lost my best friend - everything I knew switched - switched in a night and I couldn’t control that, it’s not easy for me to interpret – it’s not easy to interpret on camera with the world watching,” she said on the show.

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