Facebook to put ads in user's Newsfeed

16 Aug, 2012

The changes allow firms to target ‘non fans’ for the first time, and the feature is expected to eventually be forced on all users of the site if the test is considered a success.

This latest plan is expected to anger social networking site users who believe it already has too many ads.

It will see ads placed into user’s Newsfeeds regardless of whether they have ‘liked’ the firm or not.

Presently, a firm can only buy advertisements that are displayed in Facebook's sidebar or
Sponsored Stories.

The new system would let firms simply pay for an ad to be displayed without having to first
attract ‘fans’ to its site.

“We think this will make it easier for businesses to reach more people,” a spokesperson for
Mark Zuckerberg's company said.

A new research has revealed Facebook users are becoming increasingly fed up with adverts on
the website.

The site recently also came under attack when it came to news that there are now more than
83 million fake users on its social network.

The figure makes up 8.7 per cent of all Facebook's 995 million active users.

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