Will the Vampire bite be more breathtaking than the wizard’s spell?

13 Aug, 2012

The criticism is that the Twilight series hasn’t crossed over to target a male demographic, though guys do watch Twilight but are more enthusiastic toward Harry Potter. It was found social media sentiment for Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 has been 41% positive, 7% negative and 52% neutral while Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 had 70% positive, 7% negative and 23% neutral.

Before we get trolled to death, we are not passing judgement about which movie is better. There is always a cold war between a Twilight fans and Harry Potter fans. Though, both the movies have a friendly competition in the film industry but this competition has since spilled into name calling and other criticisms by fans.

Recently the trailer of Breaking Dawn part 2 released showing Jacob and his wearwolf clan joining the vampire’s clan to fight with Volturi, the royalty king of Vampires to save the twilight baby, Renesmee. Jacob who imprinted the twilight Baby in the last scene of Breaking Dawn part 1 will be seen as Renesmee’s saviour.

Now, the question is will the Vampire baby break the Harry Potter’s previous records? Expectations are high from Twilight breaking dawn part 2. Not to forget New Moon has the fourth biggest debut ever at $142 million.

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