Saudi female athlete’s father to take action against insults

06 Aug, 2012

Ali Seraj Shaherkani, the father of Wojdan Shahekani, has presented the case before interior minister with copies of insults made on the microblogging website, Twitter.

“I have sent an urgent letter to the Minister of Interior Prince Ahmed bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz with copies of all attacks made on Twitter,” said father Shaherkani.

“A lawyer has been hired to sue those who attacked his daughter,” he said.

Despite being fully-covered, some Saudi conservatives who oppose relaxing constraints on women, targeted the young athlete over her Muslim status.

The 16-year-old Shaherkani, who stole limelight for making history despite lasting only 82 seconds in her match with Puerto Rican Melissa Mojica last week, received a stand ovation for her courage and determination.

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