Paul McCartney took only £1 for Olympics performance

KARACHI: Sir Paul McCartney was paid just £1 to appear at the Olympics opening ceremony. McCartney, 70, managed to il
31 Jul, 2012

McCartney, 70, managed to illuminate the entire Olympic stadium through his piano, by getting only £1.

He opened with "The End," one of the classics from the Beatles’ decorated catalogue.

He also sang a long version of ‘Hey Jude.”

McCartney said he didn’t mind giving up his usual fee, primarily as he would be given tickets for the Games as a ‘thank you’ from the Olympic committee.

“They don’t pay you to perform, but what does happen is you get tickets to events, so they
asked me what I would ideally like to go to, and so I sent a little list,” he said.

Many of the actors, dancers and performers who performed at the Olympics opening ceremony
also volunteered their services for free.

“I’m a big fan of athletics, when that’s on the TV, I don't go out, so the Olympic Games are
great for that for me,” McCartney added.

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