India fumes over mystery woman in the opening ceremony

  KARACHI: A mysterious woman in red has gained worldwide fame at the London Olympics. It is reported that a young
30 Jul, 2012


It is reported that a young woman in turquoise jeans and a red jacket marched along-with 

Indian flag bearer Sushil Kumar at the head of the delegation of 40 athletes in bright yellow and navy blue.

Indian officials are puzzled and annoyed at the prospect of an unknown woman managed to
march with the country’s athletes and officials during the opening ceremony.

London 2012 chief Sebastian Coe insisted the woman had not posed a threat to the ceremony.

"She made it into the opening ceremony. She obviously should not have been there; I can now
confirm that she was a cast member. She was slightly over excited," Coe said.

The apparent lack of security incensed the Indian Olympic Association.

"We are totally dazed, how can a person without any accreditation walk past?" Indian press
attaché Harpal Singh Bedi said.

"How did they allow her in? It was a security lapse. Nobody knows who she was. She looks
like an Indian," IOA vice president Tarlochan Singh told the media.

"She walked along in the front line. Her dress was totally different. She was not wearing an
identity card. This should have been noticed at an earlier stage, but nobody bothered,"
Singh said.

Coe assured that that the girl had been screened and allowed into the stadium as one of the
10,000 volunteers that performed next to professional musicians, actors, and dancers in the
2012 Opening Ceremonies.

“Don’t run away with the idea that she walked in off the street,” Coe stated.

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