PM approves nomination of SAARC Goodwill Ambassador for HIV, AIDS

The approval was granted by the Prime Minister on a summary moved by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It may be mentioned here that the SAARC Secretariat has invited one or two nominations from each member state for appointment as SAARC Goodwill Ambassador for HIV and AIDS.

The practice of honorary appointment of SAARC Goodwill Ambassador for HIV and AIDS has been in place since 2008 as part of the work plan for the SAARC regional strategy on HIV/AIDS. The SAARC Council of Ministers confers this honorary title upon leading well-known figures in the region.

It may be added that Ms. Shabana Azmi, an Indian actress and social activist, and Sanath Teran Jayasuriya, Sri Lankan cricketer, have served as SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors for HIV and AIDS for the period 2008-2010.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, is a Journalist and Documentarian and the winner of Oscar Award as well as SAARC Film Festival 2012 for her documentary “Saving Face”.

Aisam Ul Haq, is a Tennis player and National Goodwill Ambassador of United Nations Development Programme as well as Youth Ambassador of Pakistan Red Crescent Society.

Copyright PPI (Pakistan Press International), 2012

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