Never ever dreamed that I'd do something like this: Amitabh Bachchan

27 Jul, 2012

The 69-year-old actor who was part of the Olympic Torch Relay in London as it made the final leg of it's journey, gave an interview after his run in which he said, ”Apart from the opening ceremony it's always best to watch it on the television. Never ever dreamed that I'd do something like this. One is watching the Olympics, everything that goes around it ever since you were a kid and now you suddenly find yourself to be a part of it and a very prominent part. I think it's a great honor to be asked to carry the torch. I'm full of excitement, pride and do want to thank London 2012 for having asked me and invited me here.”

”I don't think many of them knew me, but they knew the torch that I was carrying and that's really what was more significant and important. Yes, there is an Indian community and they know me through my films, but I think the torch and its value and its significance is what really matters in the Olympics,” he added.

”I hope we do well (in Olympic Games). We have gradually been making a progress as far as sports are concerned. I feel primarily the fact ever since the economy has opened up in India we have had the facility to invite bigger and professional talent from outside to train people within the country and I think that is proving to be very fruitful, whether it is in the boxing arena or track and field defense or even hockey, which is our national game. I hope we do well and my best wishes to all of them.” he concluded while being optimistic for the Indian performance at the London Games.

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