Concert-going Mom sues Bieber for being too loud

SYED FAHAD AHMED   KARACHI : Stacey Wilson Betts has sued pop sensation Justin Bieber for a colossal $9.2 million
13 Jul, 2012


KARACHI: Stacey Wilson Betts has sued pop sensation Justin Bieber for a colossal $9.2 million after she allegedly suffered hearing loss, severe tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hyperacusis (oversensitivity to sound) in both ears. According to the filing it happened because of dangerously high sound levels at a Bieber concert she attended with her daughter in July 2010.


According to court documents filed on Wednesday Betts claims that "due to an unforeseen aspect of the show, she was injured by a sound blast that exceeded safe decibel levels."


Explaining ‘the unforeseen aspect’ the document reveals "[Bieber] climbed into a heart shaped, aluminum/steel gondola and was pulled out over the crowd, creating a ‘wave like effect of screaming’ that enticed the crowd into a frenzy of screams by continuously waving his arms in a quick and upward motion."


Along with the pop-star the disgruntled mother is suing his label Island Def Jam Records, the Concert Promoter and the Arena where the event was held. According to the court document, she believes that they all were responsible for maintaining safe decibels at all times during the event. The suit is for the "loss of quality of life and permanent disability and impairment to both of my [Betts’] ears." 

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