Merkel urges fellow leaders to contribute more to multilateral organisations

"Additional IMF measures might also be considered when it becomes necessary to, at short notice, secure the liquidi
28 May, 2020
  • "Additional IMF measures might also be considered when it becomes necessary to, at short notice, secure the liquidity of vulnerable states," she said through an interpreter.
  • "Thus it might be conceivable to consider an increased allocation of special drawing rights of the IMF."

Speaking at a UN-sponsored video conference of world leaders, she also said countries should allocate more funding to the International Monetary Fund to help states that come into short-term financial difficulties.

"Additional IMF measures might also be considered when it becomes necessary to, at short notice, secure the liquidity of vulnerable states," she said through an interpreter.

"Thus it might be conceivable to consider an increased allocation of special drawing rights of the IMF."

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