Jumatul Wida marked with religious fervour

Jumatul Wida, the last Friday of the holy month of Ramazan was observed with religious fervour amid prayers for the eradication of novel coronavirus.

The Juma gatherings were held as per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) agreed between the government and the religious scholars in view of the threat posed by coronavirus.

The mosques administration made arrangements for implementation on the SOPs during the congregation of Friday.

Ulema and Mushaikh in their sermons highlighted importance of Eid ul Fitr and significance of the holy month of Ramazan. They urged the well to do people to help out their needy brethren in this hour of need. Jumatul Wida has a special significance for Muslims as it is a prelude to the departure of holy month of Ramazan and considered the harbinger of the end of the showering of divine blessings that characterizes the holy month.

Special prayers were offered for the progress and prosperity of the country.

Jumatul Wida was also observed as Youm al-Quds (Al-Quds Day) in Pakistan to express support and solidarity with oppressed Muslims of Israeli occupied Palestine territories.

On the other hand, Inspector General of Police Punjab Shoaib Dastgir said that Police force have rendered services to citizens protection with high spirit and diligence during corona crisis.

During execution of their duties, around 500 officers and officials with two martyrs have been affected by Coronavirus among them 100 officers and officials have come back to their routine duties after recovering from it which reflects steadfastness and unprecedented zeal of Police force.

He said that Police force should perform their duties on Chand Raat and Eid ul Fitr with the same spirit and zeal and all available resources should be used for protection of wealth and lives of people.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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