Child pornographer: LHC to rehear appeal on 19th

The Lahore High Court would rehear an appeal of Saadat Amin of Sargodha on May 19 who was convicted in 2018 as part of an international nexus of child pornographers and released on bail by LHC two days ago.

A statement issued by the attorney general office, however, said no formal order about the release of the convict had been issued.

"On the contrary a notice had been received from the assistant registrar of the LHC whereby the case has once again been fixed for hearing on May 19," it added.

The statement further said the federal government would vehemently oppose the release of Saadat as he had been convicted for committing a most heinous offence.

Justice Farooq Haider of LHC had suspended the sentence of the convict, Saadat and allowed to release on bail through a verbal order two days ago.

Additional Attorney General Ishtiaq A Khan also held a meeting with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) officials who presented evidence against the convict before the trial court.

He went through whole record of the case as the federal government had already decided to challenge the LHC decision. A judicial magistrate had on April 26, 2018 awarded seven-year imprisonment to Saadat Amin and also imposed a fine of Rs 1.2 million on him.

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