Conditional opening of gyms, salons allowed in Punjab

The Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department (PSHD) of Punjab has allowed conditional permission to reopen gymnasiums, health clubs, salons and barbershops under a set of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines during the lockdown.

PSHD Secretary Capt Muhammad Usman (retd) has issued notifications to this effect.

As per the notifications, gymnasium and health clubs will make sure hand hygiene and provide facility for hand washing with soap or sanitizer at the premises. Both, gymnasium staff and its members will wear face mask. Gymnasiums will allow only 50 percent of the total members at the one time to avoid crowding and maintain social distancing. Health club management will ensure the cleanliness of workout equipment using detergent frequently.

PSHD has also issued leading guidelines for barbershops and beauty salons during lockdown to stop the outbreak of Covid-19. The health department has directed to adopt social distancing and precautionary measures.

As per notifications, salons and beauty parlours must follow the policy of one customer at one time in order to stop overcrowding. Customer can wait a maximum 15 minutes inside the waiting area. Customers must be scheduled via telephone calls to stop gathering there in salons. Customers must be persuaded to cover faces with masks or with a piece of cloth.

Metallic tools like scissor, nail cutter, and other items should be disinfected with alcohol-based disinfectant. Chlorine should be avoided due to its corrosive action which may damage the tools. The staff of the salons and barbershops will use disposable foam, sponge and other porous tools and discard them after singe use.

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