Punjab PA passes resolution on Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat

13 May, 2020

The Punjab Assembly on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution on Protection of Sanctity of Namoos-e-Risalat (Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat). The resolution was tabled by PML-Q MPA Hafiz Ammar Yasir.

The session started one hour twenty minutes late. Speaker Punjab Assembly Chaudhry Pervez Elahi said that we all are the protectors of sanctity of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and it is an integral part of the faith of every Muslim. He also said that majority of the ministers were against any amendment and induction of Ahmadi's in the minority commission. He said it was also decided in the cabinet meeting that no Ahmadi can be a part of minority commission unless their leader admits that Ahmadi's are non Muslims. Pervez Elahi said that they (Ahmadis) can not be a part of minority commission unless they accept the constitution of Pakistan.

The Punjab Assembly also unanimously passed Green International University (Amendment Bill) 2020. The House also passed a unanimous resolution recoginsing the services of former provincial minister Raja Ishfaq Sarwar who died recently. The resolution was presented by former speaker Punjab Assembly Rana Muhammad Iqbal.

Former education minister Punjab Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan while speaking on the point of order said that a parliamentary committee was constituted on the directions of speaker Punjab Assembly Chaudhry Pervez Elahi to solve the issue of Punjab Education Foundation but the issue was not resolved up till now. He said future of 31 lac children of the province is at stake. He also said that teachers were not given salaries for the last four months. He further said that issue should not be politicized but the entire House should speak with one voice in favor of the teacher of PEF.

Senior minister Punjab Abdul Aleen Khan gave the answer regarding food department. He claimed that target of 72% procurement of wheat has bbeen achieved in the province After completion of the agenda speaker Pervez Elahi prorogued the session.

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