Universities' non-teaching staff: Salary increase, MPhil & PhD allowances urged

The Federation of All Pakistan Public Sector Universities Administrative Officers Association (FAPPUAOA) has sent a letter to the chairman of Pay & Pension Commission, Finance Division, Govt of Pakistan, Wajid Rana apprising him of the disparities, injustices and inequalities faced by universities' officers across Pakistan.

It demanded the federal government of allowing M Phil and PhD allowances of Rs 12500 and 25000 respectively to academic staff of Universities in Pakistan especially in Sindh and ensuring 50 percent increase in the basic salaries in the next financial year in wake of high inflation and price hike.

In his letter written to the federal government, the FAPPUAOA chairman Muhammad Tahir Khan highlighted the burning issues including injustices, inequalities and disparities faced by the officers at universities.

He tried to draw the attention of chairman, pay and pension commission, constituted by Govt Of Pakistan through its notification No F.1 (1)Imp/2020-164, on April 16, 2020.

Tahir Khan said the pay scale revision should be ensured by including all the admissible allowances in the basic pay adding that, afterwards, 50 percent increase in the basic pay ought to be made in the salaries and pensions of administrative officers working at the Universities in Pakistan.

He justified that the high inflation rate and unprecedented devaluation of rupee had doubled their anxieties and worries.

He said in 2006, the pay scales of academic staff (faculty members) of universities across the country were upgraded in comparison to officers adding that even after the long span of 14 years, the administrative officers at varsities had not been given their due right of upgrade.

The chairman further said FAPPUAOA believed in transparency, merit, equality and justice; therefore, he added that the basic pay scales of non teaching staff were required to be upgraded on the patterns of teaching faculty. "We urge the federal government to take notice of such injustice and announce to make the basic pay scales of officers equal to the academic staff forthwith", he maintained.

Tahir Khan further said teachers and officers at universities were equally rendering their services and work together on the research projects carried out in the universities from time to time. He said research and medical officers had got more than 18 years of education especially in case of having MBBS but it was a pity that such officers had less basic pay scales in comparison with academic staff.

He said the officers in general possessed the qualifications and job descriptions comparable with academic staff, therefore, he said they did deserve equal pay scale with the faculty members.

"We do not acknowledge the modus operandi of having separate basic pay scales of specialized departments/cadres and occupations. There has to be uniformity at all levels of federal and provincial governmental institutions. Universities' officers be treated equally, in entire country by respecting them, recognizing their services of helping impart quality education", said Muhammad Tahir Khan.

He called for approving utility and other allowances for varsities officers on the patterns of bureaucracy and other officials serving in other public sector organizations of federal government. He appealed to chairman pay & pension to ask the heads of universities to ensure implementation on time pay scale (incentive scheme) without any procrastination at all the public sector Universities in Pakistan

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