CM orders strict implementation of SOPs after ease in lockdown

CM directed the administrative departments to strictly monitor lockdown SOPs and warned that taking undue advantage
10 May, 2020
  • CM directed the administrative departments to strictly monitor lockdown SOPs and warned that taking undue advantage with regard to ease in lockdown would not be permitted.

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has ordered for ensuring strict implementation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) after announcement of ease in lockdown.

According to a handout issued here on Sunday, the CM directed the administrative departments to strictly monitor lockdown SOPs and warned that taking undue advantage with regard to ease in lockdown would not be permitted.

Buzdar underscored that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government allowed ease in lockdown by taking into account economic difficulties of the common man.

He emphasised that dangers of coronavirus still persist and everyone would have to show responsibility and care.

He said that the Punjab government had taken new steps after holding detailed consultations. He expressed hope that the trader community and masses would strictly implement the SOPs in order to save themselves from coronavirus.

The CM warned that strict action would be taken against those business organisations and industrial units which would not ensure full implementation of the SOPs and permission to the entities violating the SOPs would be canceled.

The CM said that solid measures had been taken for eradication of coronavirus across the province and decisions were being taken under the guidance of the federal government, besides consultations with all stakeholders.



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