Government's poor handling of virus

10 May, 2020

A poorly enforced shutdown which was in place since late March has now been further relaxed despite the fact that the country has recorded over 25,000 cases of Covid-19.

The prime minister had no plausible reason to support his decision of further easing the lockdown. His remarks that he made in his televised speech do not answer questions with regard to government's strategy in relation to coronavirus challenge. He, for example, said: "We're deciding that we are ending this lockdown now. We know that we're doing it at a time when our curve is going up... but it is not edging up as we were expecting. Since we started this lockdown, we had this fear that these people who are daily wagers, who feed their kids on daily earnings, what will happen to them?"

It is a sad reflection of government's flawed approach to the situation as its handling of the virus has been strongly criticised by scientists and doctors.

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