Minister visits JPMC, inquires after health of patients

Sindh Information Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah on Tuesday visited the Jinnah Hospital and inquired about the well-being of admitted patients.

The provincial minister made the visit to Jinnah Hospital on the orders of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah after a defamatory video about Jinnah Hospital went viral.

During his visit, he inquired about the well-being of the patients and the treatment being provided to them.

Speaking on the occasion, Shah said all of us were going through a very difficult time and in these testing times, our doctors, nurses and paramedical staff was working as front line heroes.

He said that it was extremely inappropriate to criticize the people associated with the medical field at a time when the whole country was facing a pandemic. Talking about the viral video, he said through such negative tactics, few miscreants were trying to discredit the medical staff, the government and those who were assisting the people in the time of pandemic. Shah said at this moment in time there was a need to encourage our doctors, nurses and paramedical staff rather than spreading negative propaganda against them. The minister said the manner and courage with which our doctors, nurses and paramedical staff were attending to the Covid-19 patients was highly commendable. "We must not harass or discourage our medical staff," he said.-PR

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