PTI's struggle more arduous than any other party: PM

Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday while recounting the decades long political struggle of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, said the party had embarked upon a mission to achieve Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's vision.

In series of tweets, the PM said their struggle for the achievement of that mission during the last 24 years was arduous one when compared with other political parties.

He also highlighted the basic objectives of the mission.

"Twenty-four years ago today, PTI embarked on our mission of achieving our Quaid Jinnah's vision for Pakistan as a modern Islamic welfare state. To achieve this we had to achieve the following: 1. Rule of Law where all are equal before the law & the powerful are brought under the law. 2. Break the stranglehold of the elite capture of our state & of our nation's resources; & redistribute these resources more equitably in order to lift our poor out of poverty. Ours has been a long & arduous struggle - more than any other political party," he tweeted. The prime minister especially mentioned late Naeemul Haq, Ahsan Rasheed and Saloni Bokhari during years long struggle by the party. "Today I want to remember our founding members who are not with us anymore - Naeemul Haq, Ahsan Rasheed and Saloni Bokhari," he added.

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