Germany announces new 10 billion euro virus package

The measures come as Europe's largest economy takes it first steps back towards normality with a number of businesses opening up for the first time in a month, and politicians declaring the coronavirus "under control".

Workers forced to stay at home by the pandemic and government measures to contain it will now receive between 70 and 77 percent of net salary from the fourth month of unemployment, a ten percent increase on previous provisions.

From the seventh month, they will receive between 80 and 87 percent. Those already unemployed will see their benefits extended for a further three months this year.

The coalition government also announced that VAT on the gastronomy sector - which has been hard-hit by closures of restaurants and cafes - would be cut from 19 per cent to seven percent for one year from July 1. With many schools closed and expected to re-open gradually, the government also said it would provide financial support to families to purchase a computer for online lessons.

Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2020

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