158 pilgrims tested positive in Balochistan

Chief Secretary (SC) Balochistan Captain Fazeel Asghar (retd) on Tuesday said at least 1854 of Zahireen have been tested from 5000 visitors in which 158 test reports were diagnosed positive as 19 patients of them were recovered from the virus.
He said some people have minor flue and only one patient was in critical condition, saying that measures would be launched to help needy people including daily workers in order to cope the deadly virus across province.
The Chief Secretary expressed these views while addressing a press conference at Civil Secretariat here while Balochistan Government's spokesman Liaqat Shahwani, Secretary Health Mudassir Waheed Malik, Secretary Information Irfan Gharshin and Additional Secretary S&GD Naseebullah Kakar were present on the occasion.
The Chief Secretary said that 138 patients in which only five of them were undergoing treatment in Nushki district and other rest of corona patients have in Quetta for treatment processes, saying that on special directives of Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Jam Kamal Khan, poor people and daily wagers would be helped during lockdown.
He said in this regard, rations to be distributed among unprivileged people through Provincial Department Management Authority (PDMA) and Labour Department and Deputy Commissioners were collecting data of poor families and workers class for helping them in comprehensive manners.
The Secretary mentioned that sixty thousand protective clothing and millions of masks would come in a week for the protection of the doctor which could help to tackle the pandemic virus in province, saying that Deputy Commissioners have started their assistance in respective areas of province and discussed to the Divisional Commissioners where relief working has been launched.
Divisional Commissioner informed me that many people are helping individually as well, he said saying that PDMA equipment, goods and 2000 protective masks have arrived.
He said provincial government had talked to the federal government for provision of expensive appliances including ventilators, adding National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) started provision of 1800 comprising residential containers to Balochistan government to combat the deadly virus soon.
He stressed upon people that they should follow government preventive measures against the virus and should not go rush places as they remain confined to their houses in order to prevent the corona virus because precaution is better than cure.
The Chief Secretary said that only 38 affected patients have remained now and the safety of the doctor was our top priority while they were playing key role to curb the virus in province.
In response to a question, he said that he has no information about protests of Panjgur and Washak where coronavirus is not spreading while corona hospitals have been set separate places in that areas, saying that hundreds of illegal visitors have been arrested for ensuring screening of them.
Fazeel Asghar said opposition leaders were also assured in the meeting that government relief package to be regularly initiated within a week in respective areas of province, aiming to cope the virus.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2020

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