Wholesale chemists apprehend shortage of drugs

President Wholesale Chemist of Pakistan Atif Blu on Saturday appealed not to halt transportation of medicines due to lockdown amid coronavirus outbreak. Atif Blu asked the government to allow wholesalers and the retailers to come to the market and not to halt supply of medicines. "The demand of medicines increasing with every passing day due to deadly virus spread."
President Wholesale Chemist of Pakistan also feared that lockdown may result in shortage of the medicines. Prime Minister Imran Khan, yesterday, chaired the third meeting of the National Coordination Committee (NCC) in Islamabad to review the situation arising out of the coronavirus pandemic in the country. All the chief ministers and federal leaders had participated in the meeting via video link.
The NCC meeting had discussed the condition of the communication process in the country due to lockdown, while attendees also informed meeting about the steps taken by the government in curbing the virus. Sources said the meeting decided to lift a ban on goods transport across the country in order to maintain a supply of daily use commodities.

Copyright News Network International, 2020

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