G20 leaders seek unity

28 Mar, 2020

It is heartening to note that the world leaders through an emergency online have vowed to build a united front against the coronavirus pandemic that has triggered fears of an economic collapse with record US unemployment figures. The number of positive cases in the US has even surpassed China's with its states, including the New York, Michigan, Louisiana and Illinois are reporting a huge spike in the number of cases. No doubt, the situation is profoundly profound. It is likely to become worse in coming weeks and months. That is why countries across the globe are desperate to find ways to stop its deadly spread.
Saudi Arabia's King Salman - whose country holds the rotating presidency of the G20 - has reportedly urged fellow leaders to take action together and give a "helping hand" to developing nations. The other members of G20 in particular are therefore required to respond to his call positively because only a well coordinated response could be the solution to the coronavirus issue. Moreover, it is about time the US lifted sanctions on badly virus-hit Iran.

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