Pakistan Day: President reiterates unwavering support to IOJ&K people

While paying homage to the founding leaders on Pakistan Day, President Dr Arif Alvi expressed unshakable support with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir who had been subjected to an inhuman lockdown and communication blockade for over seven months.
"I assure the people of Jammu and Kashmir that Pakistan will stand shoulder to shoulder with them and will continue its moral, political and diplomatic support for their legitimate right of self-determination," the president said in a message on Pakistan Day being commemorated on March 23.
The president said that March 23rd was an important landmark in the history of our nation as on this day in 1940, the historic Lahore Resolution was passed which united the Muslims of the sub-continent for a greater objective.
The Muslims of the subcontinent through their collective will, expressed unwavering resolve to carve out a separate homeland for themselves wherein they could lead their lives in accordance with their own religion, traditions, values and culture.
Today, he said, they were paying homage to the Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Poet of the East Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal and all the other great leaders of the freedom movement who paved the way for the creation of Pakistan.
"Let us express our firm resolve to continue the legacy and heritage bequeathed to us by our founding fathers and by following in their footsteps to make our country a cradle of peace, progress and stability," a press release quoted the president as saying. He further observed that in these days, the world was facing the severe outbreak of Corona virus. Very rarely a calamity had such a worldwide impact as they were witnessing today.
"Nations have to go through difficult times but only with unity they sail through. We Pakistanis also need to stand united to fight this pandemic. It is the responsibility of all segments of society, including Ulema, media and political leaders to play their due role in educating the masses about the preventive measures against the virus," he added.
He said the doctors and health workers were the first line of defence in this crisis and nation saluted them for their unrelenting and selfless endeavours. "We also laud our Law Enforcement Agencies for their untiring services. I pray to Allah Almighty to grant us the strength to overcome the challenges," he added.

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