Partly Facetious : The in-laws don't change unless...

14 Mar, 2020

"Our desi Ivanka went a-calling and there was one more prominent arrest."

"Don't be indiscreet, in your attempt to please the current czars don't forget today's out-laws are tomorrows...tomorrows..."


"That's the word that came to mind but upon consideration that is not the word that applies."

"I think it does, the in-laws don't change unless you get a divorce as you know; and sometimes as in the case of The Khan the in-laws remain on friendly terms in spite of the divorce and any anger during the divorce evaporates over time because the children are the binding force."

"That's only in Western culture - in our culture, a divorce means kaput. I refer you to The Khan's Wife Number Two."

"There were no children in that marriage, but anyway let me then define in-laws as opposed to the outlaws of today courtesy the National Accountability Bureau according to the Western definition."

"I see, anyway referring to Maryam Nawaz as our desi Ivanka..."

"Was wrong I acknowledge. She is as well-dressed in as expensive clothes as Ivanka but one question: is she as loved by daddy as Ivanka is?"

"I have heard that her brothers are turning Dad Nawaz against her political vision..."

"I don't see much of a political vision other than Me Too."

"Me Too is a movement in the West that began with women's harassment in the work place and has spread throughout the world and..."

"In the Sharif household, Me Too is simply an affirmation of Sharif blood's right to the political inheritance..."

"OK, but one word of advice to The's never a good idea to push one's enemies to talk with one voice..."

"Especially if one does not have the numbers in either the national or the provincial assemblies except in KPK."

"Right, and in-laws can only do so much because at the end of the day their focus will be on the well being of the offspring if you catch my drift..."

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