Coronavirus threat: Police halt biometric attendance system

Amid rising threat of coronavirus in the country, the Punjab police have halted the biometric attendance system for an indefinite period in all the offices and directed its officials suffering from cough, flu or fever to cover their mouths and noses with surgical masks and avoid close contact with each others.

In this context, DIG Welfare Punjab Sharaq Kamal Siddiqui has sent a letter to all the RPOs, DPOs and chiefs of police units by mentioning precautionary measures. Meanwhile, an awareness ceremony led by Additional IG Punjab Inam Ghani was held at the Central Police Office (CPO) on Friday to prevent the officials from contacting the virus.

Speaking on the occasion, the AIG said that the person affected with flu and cough should be kept at a distance of three feet and undue movements to crowded areas should also be avoided.

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