UK's trade director highlights opportunities to boost bilateral trade

The UK's Department for International Trade (DIT) at the British Deputy High Commission (BDHC) Karachi hosted two interactive round-table conferences at a local hotel today in Karachi focusing on the Education and Health sectors.

Attended by prominent schools, universities, hospitals and pharma industry, the conferences highlighted the increasing focus of DIT on developing stronger commercial links between the UK and Pakistan. DIT's expertise in supporting exports, inward and outward investment, negotiating better market access, exploring trade deals, and championing free trade were all discussed.

Addressing the public and private health and education stakeholders, Deputy High Commissioner and Trade Director for Pakistan, Mike Nithavrianakis, said:

"The UK has a long history of educational excellence, and investing heavily in our health services. The UK has been a committed partner to Pakistan in supporting its education and health services over a number of years, including through DFID.

It is striking how the conversation is now moving towards the commercial opportunities that exist to help Pakistan significantly expand its service provision. The UK's expertise in delivering high quality public private partnerships is one area worthy of consideration."

"This was a stimulating and dynamic series of discussions, from which we learned much. I am optimistic that the UK and Pakistan can work more closely together on delivering projects in country that provide high quality health and education to Pakistan's young and rapidly growing population.

We plan to build on this engagement by arranging inward and outward trade missions to/from Pakistan. Both countries stand to gain from a greater focus on health and education partnerships."-PR

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