Government recognises cinema as industry: Dr Firdous

Announcing formation of federal censor board and recognition of cinema as an industry, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Saturday said the federal censor board will work in conjunction with the provincial censor boards across the country.

Talking to media here on Saturday, Dr Firdous said, "After the 18th Constitutional Amendment, provinces had established different censor boards, so a uniform policy could not be evolved," she said. "The matter of a new federal censor board would be placed before the Council of Common Interests (CCI)."

Dr Firdous announced that the government would be recognizing cinema as an industry as it had done with film production. "The information ministry will also forward recommendations to the prime minister to exempt film producers and cinema owners from certain taxes," she said.

She said that a committee will present a report on the threats and problems being faced by the film industry. She said the government will also accept valid demands of the film industry before announcement of a new film policy. "We are going to incorporate all their (cinema owners) valid concerns, no policy can be made without consulting all stakeholders," she said.

Commending the desire of people affiliated with film-making and production to invest in the country and transmit cultural values to the next generation, she said the government wanted to support local producers and connect them to audiences. She added that the government needs to revive the industry so that the "economic wheel turns".

Earlier, in a tweet she announced that Prime Minister's Karachi visit has been cancelled due to inclement weather.

She said that Governor Sindh Imran Ismail would inaugurate the development projects on behalf of the Prime Minister. She said that Karachi was financial hub of Pakistan and it was vision of the PM to convert it into a modern developed city.

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