AJK President visits MQM Pakistan office

During his meeting with MQM leadership, the President discussed latest situation in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and use of brute force against peaceful demonstrators in Delhi and other parts of India, AJK Presidential secretariat said in a statement released to media here Sunday night.

Talking to media after the meeting with the MQM's central leadership, he said that the people of Karachi have always supported the struggle of Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination, it said. He said that today, the world was witnessing violent incidents in New Delhi on TV screens, but the Kashmiri people have been experiencing the violent actions of the Indian occupation forces for the last 72 years. "The only difference is that media is present in Delhi to show these brutalities to the world, but a media blackout is in vogue in occupied Kashmir," he added.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2020

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