ATP terms Doha accord historic move towards peace

The Amun Taraqqi Party (ATP), Chairman Muhammad Faiq Shah has termed US-Taliban peace agreement a historic move towards peace in Afghanistan after 19 years of war. He linked the regional stability and development with restoration of sustainable peace. He stressed the need for implementation of the Doha accord with true letter and spirit.

Faiq Shah while talking to different analysts in the party central secretariat here on Sunday said the Doha peace pact between US and Taliban will be proved catalyst to bring durable and everlasting calm in the whole region. ATP Chief said the peace has been restored due to unmatched sacrifices and velour of Pakistan's armed forces and the entire nation that built a soft image of Pakistan in rest of the world. "We're fully determined on the fresh agreement between US and Taliban that was signed in Doha after vigorous efforts of government of Pakistan as key mediator in negotiations"

Faiq Shah further maintained the US-Taliban agreement will open new era of development, prosperity and stability in war ravaged Afghanistan. The party chairman called upon US to play its integral role in bringing India on negotiation table. He asked: "Why US is keeping silence over gross human rights violations and prolonged clampdown in India Held Kashmir? He said that is the world waiting for major human catastrophe in the Indian occupied valley of Kashmir. Faiq Shah stressed that the world should spend money and resources on human development instead of weapons which is creating arms race and unbalancing power.

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