Here are some tips to protect yourself from Coronavirus

  In early 2020, a new kind of virus began generating headlines all over the world because of the unprecedented
Updated 29 Feb, 2020


Amid all the hysteria after the emergence of two Coronavirus cases in Pakistan. According to WHO, here are some tips to prevent Coronavirus disease.

  • Basic hygiene is the best thing you can do, according to a doctor of infectious diseases.
  • Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. Always wash your hands with Antibacterial soap or use a hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with the flu.
  • Practicing good hand hygiene is the best way people can protect themselves from Coronavirus during a flight, or any other place. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Urging citizens to wear masks in public to curb its spread, can wearing a mask prevent you or your child from catching the virus.
  • Face-masks should be used by people who show symptoms of Coronavirus to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face-masks is also essential for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth,  if your hands touch a surface contaminated by the virus, this could transfer it into your body. These are the best ways to avoid catching the Coronavirus.
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