Chaudhry Nisar likely to meet Nawaz in London

Former Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan departed for London on Tuesday where he is likely to meet the ailing Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Nawaz Sharif. Nisar took the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight PK-785 from Islamabad International Airport reportedly on a personal trip to the UK along with his family members.

Sources said that Chaudhary Nisar would also himself undergo medical examination during his weeklong stay in London. The estranged PML-N leader is also expected to hold meetings in London with the top PML-N leadership including former premier Nawaz Sharif, party president Shehbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar.

It is likely that the prevailing political situation in the country will come under discussion. However, sources close to Chaudhary Nisar rejected the impression that the former interior minister would engage in political activities during his stay in London.

Nisar had distanced himself from the PML-N after developing differences with the party leadership. The longtime party loyalist contested the July 25, 2018 general elections an independent candidate but lost in NA-59 and NA-63. He won on a Punjab provincial assembly seat - PP 10, Rawalpindi-V - but has not taken oath as yet.

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