Buzdar okays monthly anti-polio drive plan

Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has approved the launching of anti-polio drive every month during the current year. The district-wise campaign will commence from February 17 to administer the anti-polio drops to 20 million children in the province.

The Chief Minister accorded approval during a meeting of the provincial task force for eradication of polio. Provincial ministers Dr Yasmin Rashid, Fayyaz-ul-Hasan Chohan, Murad Raas, Mussarat Jamshed Cheema, MPA, Chief Secretary, Commissioner Lahore Division, representatives of UNICEF, WHO and others attended the meeting. Commissioners, DCs and chief executive officers of district health authorities attended the meeting through video link. The Chief Minister directed to give particular attention to high-risk districts.

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