NA body drops Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2019

National Assembly's Sub-Committee on Interior on Monday dropped the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2019 (sections 166A, 166B, 176A, 176B, 176C, 176D, 176E, 176F, 176G and 176H).

Member National Assembly Kishwar Zehra has moved the amendment bill in May 2019.

The draft bill has objective for reporting of crime, investigation of such reported crimes and thereafter using third degree methods during the investigation proceedings and processes are not only making the entire system of criminal justice vulnerable but causing lack of trust by general public, therefore, require immediate change.

Humanity, protection of fundamental rights and human rights universally recognized, rate any state in community of nations about stature and quality of living and it cannot be achieved unless a rotten system of crime reporting and investigation is changed with major steps.

The bill was meant to further amend the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 and the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898.

The committee also referred back the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2019 (Section 489F) to the main committee, which was also moved by Kishwar Zehra.

Abdul Qadir Patel convened the second meeting of the three-member committee.

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