Modi's growing belligerence

10 Feb, 2020

How unfortunate it is that the BJP government has taken its aggression against the Kashmiris to the next level as it has now extended the detention of two former occupied Kashmir chief ministers Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah, held for the past six months under a security clampdown, using a law allowing for them to be locked up for two years without charge. Mehbooba and Abdullah's provisional detention expired on Thursday and they were immediately booked under the Public Safety Act (PSA).

That the situation in occupied Jammu & Kashmir is still delicate is a fact. Little does the Narendra Modi government know that the tactics that his government has been employing against the detained Kashmiris will never work; these will in fact backfire. Modi and his right-hand man Amit Shah seem to have taken a leaf out of Israel's book. But India is no Israel. India's opposition parties and civil society will never allow Modi to turn India into a Hindu rashtra. Delhi's election result is a strong case in point.

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