Around 50 Pakistani delegates participated in Fruit Logistica

Some fifty Pakistani delegates participated in the world's renowned exhibition of fruits and vegetables - "Fruit Logistica" to explore new export opportunities. The fair was held from Feb 5-7 in Berlin, Germany and some eight Pakistani companies set up their stalls while TDAP also established a national pavilion in the exhibition. Overall more than fifty Pakistani delegates participated in this mega event.

The participating companies received an overwhelming response from foreign buyers. The buyers from the United Kingdom, France, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, showed immense interest in Pakistani kinnow, dates, potato, onion, green vegetables, and mango and value-added products of fruits, mango pulp, guava pulp and apple juice.

According to Waheed Ahmed, the Patron-in-Chief, All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA), TDAP set up a very attractive pavilion in Hall No. 26 which remained the focus of attraction by the foreign buyers.

Foreign buyers expressed deep interest in the purchase of fruits, vegetables, and value-added products worth of $ 25 million. However due to quality issues & various agriculture diseases the export is expected to remain between $ 12-15 million.

"Export to the European market is also likely to have quality issues as on the one side the country has a bumper crop of kinnow, however the quality issues are likely to restrict export this year. Due to quality issues, Pakistani exporters have put a "self-imposed ban" on the export of Kinnow to the EU market and it's also becoming increasingly difficult to honor the commitment of export orders due to Kinnow being infected with various diseases", he mentioned.

Most of the Chinese stalls gave "deserted look" this year and participation by the Chinese delegates were significantly low as experts participating in the exhibition expressed fear that the Coronavirus is likely to have a serious negative impact on international trade leading to a significant reduction in the volume of fruits, vegetables, and foods.

He informed that Green House Technology related to climatic change and Hydroponics Technology which cultivates green leaves vegetables on water remained the center of attraction.

The companies providing Green House Technology & Hydroponics Technology were of the view that with the assistance of Greenhouse Technology the crops can be protected against the strong winds and insects getting along with the winds besides providing a safeguard against high temperatures and heavy rains.

Similarly, with the assistance of Hydroponics Technology within a short period of three weeks green leaves' vegetables of high quality can be cultivated. The vegetables obtained by use of Hydroponics Technology can not only meet local market requirements but it can also be exported to generate valuable foreign exchange for the country.

Waheed said that a participating company of Netherlands producing Hydroponics Technology has offered to provide this technology and similarly companies providing Greenhouse Technology to Pakistan for the cultivation of Agri produces.

He stressed upon the federal and provincial governments for spending on Research & Development (R&D) to bring cultivation of fruits and vegetables as per international standards.

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