PTI learning the ropes quite fast

09 Feb, 2020

Not only does Karachi-based MQM have a number of grievances against its senior coalition partners, PTI, the PTI MNAs from Karachi have also expressed their displeasure over federal government's approach to urban Sindh issues. In an important development on Friday, according to media reports, Prime Minister Imran Khan's one of the most trusted sides Jahangir Khan Tareen held a meeting with him amidst the reports that the PM has once again tasked him to woo the disgruntled lawmakers from ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and its coalition partners. That the PTI government is still learning the ropes is a reality, and it is learning the ropes quite fast. It is, therefore, quite likely that Tareen will not be disappointing prime minister Imran Khan.

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