Afghan transit trade: Chaman needs infrastructural development: PAJCCI

Chairman Pakistan Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PAJCCI), Zubair Motiwala has said that Chaman being the most plausible connection via Gwadar also needs development in terms of infrastructure, security concerns and policy execution, if benefits are to be reaped fully.

He said PAJCCI always been a strong proponent of facilitating trade and transit for the economic wellbeing and regional connectivity. Chairman PAJCCI while commenting on operationalisation of Gwadar port for handling Afghan Transit stated that the ease of doing business can only be complemented through provision of alternative options and initiation of Gwadar port has always been one of ours fundamental request, seeing it fulfilled creates broader economic viability and choices for the business community.

Zubair Motiwala iterated that first consignment arrived at Gwadar port destined for Afghanistan is major breakthrough and now is the time to take advantage from this newly developed alternative, however, shipping line deposits and detention, port demurrage free days, availability of proper scanning and custom operations will make a real difference in determining the impact.

He acknowledged the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is keenly focused on improving parameters for trade as a whole and exclusively transit regime with Afghanistan. The success of handling bulk cargo at Gwadar port will pave way for improving congestion problems at other ports and will also nourish competitive landscape that would ensure provision of reasonably priced, high quality services to both domestic and international clients.

Pakistan, no doubt, is geographically well placed with unmatchable port locations that can be supplemented greatly by providing access to services of international standards.

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