Yemenis protest in Huthi-held Sanaa

Hundreds of Yemenis took part Monday in a protest in Sanaa called by Tehran-backed Huthi rebels to vent anger over the US assassination of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani.

"We come together with free men around the world to face down the American Satan," an announcer told the crowd at the Bab al-Yaman entrance to the capital's Old City.

The demonstrators cried "Death to America" and waved banners calling for a boycott of US and Israeli products, in images broadcast by the Huthis' Al-Masirah television. Huthi official Dhaifallah al-Shami addressed the crowd under giant portraits of Soleimani and top Iraqi military figure Mahdi al-Muhandis, both killed in a US drone strike in Baghdad last Friday.

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