Rally held to mark Kashmiri's 'Right to Self-determination Day' at SU

06 Jan, 2020

"We also vehemently slam round-the-clock atrocities inflicted upon our Kashmiri brethren by the oppressive Indian military machine; we also register strong protest against forced communication shut down, brutal curfew in the valley and willful criminal denial of access to medical assistance to Kashmiri people by Indian troops."

The above views were advanced by VC SU Prof Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat in his address at a rally taken out from Allama I I Kazi roundabout of the varsity to the campus central library by faculty, officers and students to exhibit solidarity to Kashmiri brothers and sisters on their 'Right to Self Determination Day'.

"Terrible human rights excesses, belligerent formidable violations of established international codes of conduct, subjugating peoples' will; restricting their rightful civil, cultural, religious and political liberties, silencing their voice, suppressing their freedom is akin to subjecting them to slavery.

This all, added by tremendous intensity of violence, is what makes Kashmir issue a case of worst human debacle and tragedy. And it should be perceived as such", Dr. Burfat argued.

SU Registrar Dr Ameer Ali Abro in his remarks said, "I insist relevant world custodian clusters to intervene, play their role to bring genocide of innocent, unarmed and peaceful freedom fighters to an end in Kashmir. India has unleashed a reign of terror there which the conscientious world quarters need to curb forthwith."

"We stand in utter support of the exemplary struggle of people of Kashmir, pay them rich tribute for their sacred fight and salute their valour, courage and commitment," Dr Mahesar said.

Focal Person SU Campus Dadu Prof Dr Muniruddin Soomro, SU Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Prof Dr Zareen Abbasi, SU Provost Boys Hostels Prof Dr Shuhabuddin Mughal, Director Sports Boys Ajved Bhatti and ex- SUEWA President Ghulam Nabi Bhallai also spoke on the occasion.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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