KP CM reshuffles cabinet, replaces health, education ministers

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan on Saturday reshuffled the provincial cabinet by changing the portfolio of the Minister for Local Government, Shahram Khan Tarakai and allotted him the portfolio of health.

Besides, the reshuffling of the portfolios, the cabinet has also been expanded. The portfolio of health has been withdrawn from Hasham Inamullah and was allotted Social Welfare Department whereas Minister for Communication and Works Akbar Ayub Khan has been made Education Minister. Shahram Khan Tarakai had already served as minister for health in the Pervez Khattak headed cabinet.

The portfolios of advisors and special assistants have also been changed as Special Assistant on Science and Information Technology Kamran Bangash has been given Local Government Department.

Khaliq-ur-Rehman has been appointed as Advisor to CM on Higher Education. Arif Ahmadzai (Minerals Development), Shafiullah, Riaz Khan, Zahoor Shakir, Wazir Zada, Ahmad Khan Swati, Ghazan Jamal (Excise) and Taj Muhammad Khan have been appointed as Special Assistants.

Iqbal Wazir, a PTI MPA from North Waziristan and Shah Muhammad have also been included in the provincial cabinet as Minister for Relief, Rehabilitation & Settlement and Minister for Transport respectively.

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