BJP government's sinister designs

30 Dec, 2019

Speaking at a public rally at Pind Daden Khan in Punjab the other day, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Bajwa had assured him that "Pakistan Army is ready for India" in case of an attack on Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

"I am telling you now, he [Narendra Modi] will use this [protests in India] to do something in Azad Kashmir. I informed Gen Bajwa about this and he told me that Pakistan Army is ready for India," the prime minister has been quoted by media as saying.

It is however a matter of grave concern that ultra-right India's media has been stepping up anti-Pakistan propaganda with a view to diverting global attention from growing political unrest that the amended citizenship law has created across India. A false flag operating therefore, would surely be BJP government's game-plan to address a serious law and order breakdown in various India's states.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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