Trump launches broadside against his FBI director

President Donald Trump renewed his war against his own security establishment Tuesday with a broadside against the "attitude" of FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Trump accused Wray of downplaying the findings of a report issued Monday into the FBI's opening of an investigation into Russian interference during Trump's victorious 2016 election campaign.

"With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken," Trump tweeted. The report by the Justice Department inspector general found there had been numerous procedural errors but said there was no political bias against Trump by law enforcement. Wray said the investigation had been underpinned by "adequate factual predication."

This starkly contradicts Trump's claims that the investigation -- which grew into a sprawling probe of multi-pronged Kremlin interference operations and Trump's business links with Russia -- was an "attempted coup." Ignoring the report's finding that there was no political motivation, Trump is instead focusing on the many procedural mistakes highlighted by the inspector general.

Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2019

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