WhatsApp users in Indian occupied Kashmir are losing their accounts as internet blackout persists

Internet connections have been suspended in Indian occupied Kashmir since August 5. A spokesperson for Faceboo
06 Dec, 2019
  • Internet connections have been suspended in Indian occupied Kashmir since August 5.
  • A spokesperson for Facebook said WhatsApp accounts generally expire after 120 days of inactivity.

After over four months of internet suspension by the Indian government in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK), WhatsApp users in the region have suddenly started disappearing from the application's contacts and groups.

The sudden disappearance of users from Whatsapp came as a surprise to their relatives residing outside IoK as internet connections have been suspended in the region since August 5 when India revoked the special status granted to the region. Several friends and family outside the region took to social media to post screenshots of the unexplained departure of the users from WhatsApp.

However, their confusion was cleared when a spokesperson for Facebook said the disappearances were the result of WhatsApps policy on inactive accounts."To maintain security and limit data retention, WhatsApp accounts generally expire after 120 days of inactivity,” a spokesperson for Facebook told BuzzFeed News.

He further said that these users will be needed to be re-added to groups once regaining access to the internet and joining WhatsApp.

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