US court orders banks to release Trump financial records

A US appeals court ruled Tuesday that two banks must hand over documents about Donald Trump's finances to Congress, in the latest legal blow to the president.

Two Democratic-controlled committees issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Capital One in April demanding that they hand over financial records related to Trump and his family.

Trump, who is fighting attempts by Democrats and a New York prosecutor to force him to release eight years of tax returns, sued to stop the banks from complying.

Two appeals courts have already ruled that he must make documents available, including information held by the accountancy firm Mazars USA, but decisions are pending in the Supreme Court.

In a 106-page decision released Tuesday, a New York federal appeals court said the banks must comply with the congressional subpoenas but introduced a caveat given the volume of documents requested. The judges said the president could oppose the disclosure of certain documents that contain sensitive personal information that are not related to the ongoing investigations.

Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2019

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