International Diabetes Day: 1000 patients get free medical test at LGH

On the eve of International Diabetes Day, more than 1000 patients were given facility of free check up and medical tests at Sugar Clinic of Lahore General Hospital (LGH) while some of them were also given gluco meters.

PGMI/LGH Principal Prof Sardar Muhammad Alfareed Zafar also on Friday announced to establish state of the art separate ward for diabetes patients where they will be provided better medical facilities. It would be called 'Endow Chronology" that will be equipped with latest machinery and equipments and would be an added facility for the patients of diabetes. An awareness walk was also held in the campus of Lahore General Hospital regarding International Day of Diabetes in which senior doctors, nurses, paramedics and patients participated in a large number.

While talking to media, Prof Sardar Muhammad Alfareed Zafar said that diabetes has become chronic and family problem and it is the need of the hour that continuous and maximum awareness should be created among masses.

He said that people would have to change their life styles and go for simple food, walk and exercise, and adopt such preventive measures that can save themselves from this disease.

"Those mothers who opt breast feeding can avoid fatness and save themselves from diabetes as well. In 1996, there were only 8 million people were diagnosed with diabetes but now this figure has reached to 26 million," he added.

He also called upon the people to eat less, exercise and avoid smoking and other addictions. Dr Azeem Uddin Lakhwi also called upon people to stop eating bakery items and packed juices and go for vegetables and fruits.

On the occasion, Prof Tahir Siddique, Dr Imran Hassan Khan, Medical Superintendent of Lahore General Hospital Dr Mahmud Salah Uddin, Dr Maliha Hameed, Dr Salman Shakeel, Dr Sheraz Anjum, Dr Rana Asif Sagheer and senior doctors, nurses and paramedical staff participated while patients and their relatives were also present.

Participants were carrying play cards, banners and pamphlets having slogans for creating awareness among masses on the disease of diabetes disease and its preventive measures.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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